CYCLE 2023: Hypertension Course

Cardiovascular Health

A multidisciplinary team of professionals is committed to helping to bring about changes in lifestyles through the correct management of stress, the proper and conscious importance of caring for our body and the apprehension of healthy eating habits.

Workshop led by an interdisciplinary team made up of Cardiologist Dr. Roberto Superchi, Nutritionist Maren Torheim, Graduates in Psychology Silvana Abbate and Anabel Viera.


Zoom modality

8 weekly meetings

FROM: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


May: From the 25th to the 13th of July (on Thursdays)


Health Education Department | Phone: 24871020 ext. 4345 |

Exclusive program for Hospital Scheme members.

Calendar subject to modifications.

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